how to earn money from traffic exchange
how to earn money from traffic exchange
advertisefree get 1$ for every referral with proof from my account
If you don't have any idea how to make money on the web and you're searching for ways to make money on the web using traffic exchanges, you came to the right place. Aside from getting free unlimited traffic to your website, you can earn cash on the web as well with free traffic exchanges.
Here are some of the easy and effective ways you can do to make more money on the web with traffic exchanges that I personally use too.
- earn money by ADS
- earn money by PTP
- Exchange your credits into cash
- Use your credits in traffic exchange to get referrals
Paid to promote sites before was not very popular until some manual traffic exchanges started to accept them. With paid to promote, you can earn cash on the web promoting just your paid to promote link. At the same time, any person to sign up using your paid to promote link will be your direct referral.
Actually, this is a win-win situation. By promoting paid to promote sites, you can get paid to surf and you can get direct referrals on your PTP site as well.the best PTP website
- advertisefree get 1$ for every referral
- traffic-engine get 0.2$ for every referral
- easyhits4u get 0.1$ for every referral